Useful links
Find a list of websites we frequently use or refer complainants for additional support.
Hydro One
Hydro One’s Complaints Process provides details on who to call for help with your questions and concerns.
Power Outages and Safety information from Hydro One, along with numbers to call to report an outage.
Hydro One’s Outage Map provides details of current power outages, their status and Hydro One’s estimated time for restoration.
myAccount allows you to access your Hydro One account online, including your Time of Use information and monthly bills.
Hydro One Claim Process provides information on how to file a damage claim with Hydro One.
Provincial and Municipal Ombudsman Offices
Ontario Ombudsman investigates complaints about most Local Distribution Companies (excluding Hydro One and Toronto Hydro), as well as complaints about Ontario government services, most Ontario municipalities, universities, colleges, and school boards.
Ombudsman Toronto investigates complaints about City of Toronto services including complaints about Toronto Hydro.
ADR Chambers Ombuds Office reviews complaints brought by members of the public about decisions made by municipalities in York, Halton and Durham regions.
Electricity Sector
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) regulates the province’s electricity and natural gas sectors in the public interest. The OEB makes decisions and rules to ensure consumers are treated fairly and that the energy sector is reliable and sustainable.
Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines works to develop a safe, reliable, and affordable energy supply across the province, oversees Ontario’s mineral sector and promotes northern economic and community development.
The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) delivers services to the electricity sector such as managing the power system in real-time, planning for the province’s future energy needs, enabling conservation and designing a more efficient electricity marketplace to support sector evolution.
Local Electric Utility Company Listings to confirm which provides service to your property.
Off-Peak Day Calendar is a complete listing from the OEB of those holidays where off-peak prices are in effect all day.
The OEB Bill Estimator can help explain how much your bill might be with higher/lower consumption, a different electricity company or an energy retailer.
Measurement Canada is the federal agency responsible for ensuring accuracy in the selling of measured goods, including electricity meters.
Conservation/Support Programs
Home Assistance Program provides those who qualify with energy-efficient upgrades to help manage monthly electricity costs and improve home comfort.
Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) provides low-income consumers with a monthly on-bill credit to reduce their electricity bill. Visit to see if you qualify.
The Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) assists qualified households with a one-time emergency payment towards the amount owing on your bill.
Save On Energy – A program for households to receive rebates on the purchase and install of eligible heating and cooling equipment.
DISCLAIMER: The Office of the Hydro One Ombudsman is not responsible for the content or the functionality of the websites listed on this page.